Python Code
SQL Code
#importing tkinter and pyodbc import tkinter as tk from tkinter import * # from tkinter import ttk from tkinter import messagebox # from tkinter.messagebox import showinfo import pyodbc #Connecting Database connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver={SQL Server};' 'Server=DESKTOP-QNA2V5M\SQLEXPRESS;' 'Database=projectTTMS;' 'Trusted_connection=yes;') cursor = connection.cursor() #Main Menu root = Tk() root.wm_title("TOUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM") root['background']='#75142B' Label(root,text="Tour Management System", font=('{Times New Roman} 30 bold underline '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid() #main menu text Label(root,text="\nWelcome to the Tour Management System!\nWe are glad to have you here and we are\nexcited to help you in planning your tour.\n", font=('Montserrat 20 '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=3,column=0, padx=10, pady=10,sticky=E) root.geometry('620x450') def fun1(): root.destroy() root1=Tk() root1.title("TOUR PACKAGES") root1.geometry('900x630') root1['background']='#75142B' Label(root1,text="Tour Packages", font=('{Times New Roman} 30 bold underline'),fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(columnspan=2) Label(root1,text="\nThese are the available tour packages:\n", font=('Montserrat 15 italic '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(sticky=NSEW, columnspan=2) cur = connection.cursor() Label(root1,text="PACKAGE 1", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(sticky=NSEW) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 1") m1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 1") m2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 1") m3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 1") m4 = cur.fetchall() M = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=m1,s2=m2,s3=m3,s4=m4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=3,column=0) T.insert(tk.END, M) Label(root1,text="\nPACKAGE 2", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=4,column=0,sticky=NSEW) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 2") n1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 2") n2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 2") n3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 2") n4 = cur.fetchall() Na = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=n1,s2=n2,s3=n3,s4=n4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=5,column=0) T.insert(tk.END, Na) Label(root1,text="\nPACKAGE 3", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=6,column=0,sticky=NSEW) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 3") l1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 3") l2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 3") l3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 3") l4 = cur.fetchall() L = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=l1,s2=l2,s3=l3,s4=l4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=7,column=0) T.insert(tk.END, L) Label(root1,text="PACKAGE 4", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(sticky=NSEW, row=2,column=1) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 4") o1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 4") o2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 4") o3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 4") o4 = cur.fetchall() O = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=o1,s2=o2,s3=o3,s4=o4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=3,column=1) T.insert(tk.END, O) Label(root1,text="\nPACKAGE 5", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=4,column=1,sticky=NSEW) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 5") p1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 5") p2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 5") p3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 5") p4 = cur.fetchall() P = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=p1,s2=p2,s3=p3,s4=p4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=5,column=1) T.insert(tk.END, P) Label(root1,text="\nPACKAGE 6", font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=6,column=1,sticky=NSEW) cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package where package_id = 6") q1 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_description from Tour_Package where package_id = 6") q2 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select convert(varchar(20),package_price) from Tour_Package where package_id = 6") q3 = cur.fetchall() cur.execute("select package_duration from Tour_Package where package_id = 6") q4 = cur.fetchall() Q = "Package Name: {s1} \nPackage Description: {s2} \nPackage Price: {s3} \nPackage Duration: {s4}".format(s1=q1,s2=q2,s3=q3,s4=q4) T = tk.Text(root1, height=5, width=55, wrap=WORD) T.grid(row=7,column=1) T.insert(tk.END, Q) #Book Button BB=Button(root1,text="Book Tour", font=('Montserrat 10 bold'), height=0,width=10,fg='#75142B', borderwidth=3, relief="flat", bg='#ffffff', activebackground='#75142B',activeforeground='#ffffff', command=fun2).grid(row=8,column=0,padx=5, pady=5,sticky=N, columnspan= 2) root1.mainloop() def fun2(): root2=Tk() root2.title("BOOKING") root2.geometry('450x450') root2['background']='#75142B' Label(root2,text="Book Tour", font=('{Times New Roman} 30 bold underline'),fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid() Label(root2,text="\nPlease enter the details to book your tour.\n", font=('Montserrat 15 italic '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(sticky=NSEW) cur = connection.cursor() #Name Label(root2,text="Name: ",font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=2,column=0,sticky=W) def namedropdown(): cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("select customer_name from Customer") data = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): data.append(i[0]) return data q1 = StringVar() w1=ttk.Combobox(root2, height=10,width=20,textvariable=q1, state = 'readonly') w1['values'] = namedropdown() w1.grid(row=2,column=0) #Hotel Label(root2,text="Hotel: ",font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=3,column=0,sticky=W) def hoteldropdown(): cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("select hotel_name from Hotel") data = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): data.append(i[0]) return data q2 = StringVar() w2=ttk.Combobox(root2, height=10,width=20,textvariable=q2, state = 'readonly') w2['values'] = hoteldropdown() w2.grid(row=3,column=0) #Booking date Label(root2,text="Booking Date: ",font=('Montserrat 13 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=4,column=0,sticky=W) bd = Entry(root2, width=23) bd.grid(row=4, column=0) Label(root2,text="(YYYY-MM-DD)", font=('{Times New Roman} 10'), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=4,column=0,sticky=E) #Package Label(root2,text="Package: ",font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=5,column=0,sticky=W) def packagedropdown(): cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("select package_name from Tour_Package") data = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): data.append(i[0]) return data q3 = StringVar() w3=ttk.Combobox(root2, height=10,width=20,textvariable=q3, state = 'readonly') w3['values'] = packagedropdown() w3.grid(row=5,column=0) #Place Label(root2,text="Place: ",font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=6,column=0,sticky=W) def placedropdown(): cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("select place_name from Tourism_Place") data = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): data.append(i[0]) return data q4 = StringVar() w4=ttk.Combobox(root2, height=10,width=20,textvariable=q4, state = 'readonly') w4['values'] = placedropdown() w4.grid(row=6,column=0) #Transport Label(root2,text="Transport: ",font=('Montserrat 15 bold '), fg='#ffffff', bg= '#75142B').grid(row=7,column=0,sticky=W) def transportdropdown(): cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute("select transport_description from Transport") data = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): data.append(i[0]) return data q5 = StringVar() w5=ttk.Combobox(root2, height=10,width=20,textvariable=q5, state = 'readonly') w5['values'] = transportdropdown() w5.grid(row=7,column=0) def book_function(): a=w1.get() b=w2.get() c=bd.get() d=w3.get() e=w4.get() f=w5.get() cur=connection.cursor() if a=='' or b=='' or c=='' or d=='' or e=='' or f=='': messagebox.showerror("Error","Cant leave any field empty") else: def PackageFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT package_id FROM Tour_Package where package_name = '{d}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() def CustomerFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT customer_id FROM Customer where customer_name = '{a}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() def TransportFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT transport_id FROM Transport where transport_description like '{f}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() def HotelFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT hotel_id FROM Hotel where hotel_name = '{b}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() def PlaceFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT place_id FROM Tourism_Place where place_name = '{e}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() def PriceFunc(connection): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(f"SELECT package_price FROM Tour_Package where package_name = '{d}'") for row in cursor: row = row[0] return row connection.commit() package = PackageFunc(connection) customer = CustomerFunc(connection) transport = TransportFunc(connection) hotel = HotelFunc(connection) place = PlaceFunc(connection) price = PriceFunc(connection) cur.execute("insert into Tour_Booking (package_id,customer_id,transport_id,hotel_id,place_id,booking_date,booking_total_price,booking_status) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)",(package,customer,transport,hotel,place,c,price,"Confirmed")) connection.commit() messagebox.showinfo("BOOKING SUCCESSFUL","Your Tour has been booked! THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING US") #Book Button BB=Button(root2,text="Book Tour", font=('Montserrat 10 bold'), height=0,width=10,fg='#75142B', borderwidth=3, relief="flat", bg='#ffffff', activebackground='#75142B',activeforeground='#ffffff', command=book_function).grid(row=8,column=0,padx=5, pady=5,sticky=N) root2.mainloop() #Button Of Search Flight in Main Menu B1=Button(root,text="Tour Packages", font=('Montserrat 15 bold'),height=0,width=15,fg='#75142B', borderwidth=3, relief="flat", bg='#ffffff', activebackground='#75142B',activeforeground='#ffffff', command=fun1).grid(row=4,column=0, padx=10, pady=10,sticky=N) #Button Of Book Flight in Main Menu B2=Button(root,text="Book Tour", font=('Montserrat 15 bold'),height=0,width=15,fg='#75142B', borderwidth=3, relief="flat", bg='#ffffff', activebackground='#75142B',activeforeground='#ffffff', command=fun2).grid(row=5,column=0, padx=10, pady=10,sticky=N) root.mainloop()
--Tour and Travel Management System-- --Creating Database-- create database projectTTMS --Using Database 'projectTTMS'-- use projectTTMS --==============================================================================-- --Creating Tables-- CREATE TABLE Tour_Package ( package_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, package_name VARCHAR(255), package_description TEXT, package_price VARCHAR(20), package_duration INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Customer ( customer_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, customer_name VARCHAR(255), customer_email VARCHAR(255), customer_phone VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE Transport ( transport_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, transport_type VARCHAR(255), transport_description TEXT, transport_capacity INTEGER ); CREATE TABLE Hotel ( hotel_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, hotel_name VARCHAR(255), hotel_description TEXT, hotel_location VARCHAR(255), hotel_rating DECIMAL ); CREATE TABLE Tourism_Place ( place_id varchar(50) PRIMARY KEY, place_name VARCHAR(255), place_description TEXT, place_location VARCHAR(255), place_category VARCHAR(255) ); CREATE TABLE Tour_Booking ( booking_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY identity(100,1), package_id VARCHAR(50), customer_id VARCHAR(50), transport_id VARCHAR(50), hotel_id VARCHAR(50), place_id VARCHAR(50), booking_date DATE, booking_total_price VARCHAR(50), booking_status VARCHAR(255), FOREIGN KEY (package_id) REFERENCES Tour_Package (package_id), FOREIGN KEY (customer_id) REFERENCES Customer (customer_id), FOREIGN KEY (transport_id) REFERENCES Transport (transport_id), FOREIGN KEY (hotel_id) REFERENCES Hotel (hotel_id), FOREIGN KEY (place_id) REFERENCES Tourism_Place (place_id) ); --==============================================================================-- --INSERTION-- INSERT INTO Tour_Package (package_id, package_name, package_description, package_price, package_duration) VALUES ('1', 'Hunza Valley Tour', 'Experience the beauty of Hunza with our comprehensive tour package', '5000', 7), ('2', 'Simple Swat Tour ', 'Explore the diverse cultures of Asia with our tour package', '4000', 10), ('3', 'Super Saver Kashmir ', 'Experience the beauty of Kashmir with our comprehensive tour package', '6000', 14), ('4', 'Inspirational Kaghan' , 'Experience the beauty of kaghan with our comprehensive tour package', '29000' ,5), ('5', 'Skardu Big Trip' , 'Experience the beauty of Skardu with our comprehensive tour package', '60000' ,4), ('6', 'Short trip to Kumrat' , 'Experience the beauty of Kumrat with our comprehensive tour package' , '15999' ,7) INSERT INTO Customer (customer_id, customer_name, customer_email, customer_phone) VALUES ('1', 'John Smith', '', '123-456-7890'), ('2', 'Jane Doe', '', '234-567-8901'), ('3', 'Bob Johnson', '', '345-678-9012'); INSERT INTO Transport (transport_id, transport_type, transport_description, transport_capacity) VALUES ('1', 'By Air', 'PIA', 300), ('2', 'By Air', 'SERENE', 200), ('3', 'By Air', 'AIR SIAL', 250), ('4', 'By Air', 'AIR BLUE', 200); INSERT INTO Hotel (hotel_id, hotel_name, hotel_description, hotel_location, hotel_rating) VALUES ('1', 'Hotel Crown Plaza', 'in the heart of Islamabad', 'Islamabad', 7.1), ('2', 'Shelton Hotel Johar Town', 'The hotel features elegant rooms', 'Lahore Pakistan', 3.0), ('3', 'Swat View Hotel', 'The hotel features a garden a restaurant a terrace', 'Sawat Pakistan', 6.8), ('4', 'Pine Park Hotel','Pine Park Hotel is located in Shogran Naran','Shogran Naran Pakistan' ,8.0), ('5', 'Hotel Felton',' It is a three Star Hotel','Muree Pakistan',7.0); INSERT INTO Tourism_Place (place_id, place_name, place_description, place_location, place_category) VALUES ('1', 'Hunza Valley', 'Mountainous Valley', 'Gilgit Baltistan', 'Exotic place'), ('2', 'Swat', 'Mountainous Valley', 'Malakand, KPK', 'Natural geographic region'), ('3', 'Kashmir', 'A Land of Unimaginable Beauty ', 'Azad Kashmir', 'Adventurous '), ('4', 'Kaghan' , 'Alpine Valley' , 'Mansehra KPK' , 'Exotic place'), ('5', 'Skardu' , 'Mountainous, Cold desert' , 'Gilgit Baltistan' , 'Adventurous'), ('6', 'Kumrat' , 'Mountainous Valley' , 'Dir, KPK' , 'Natural geographic region'); INSERT INTO Tour_Booking (package_id, customer_id, transport_id, hotel_id, place_id, booking_date, booking_total_price, booking_status) VALUES ('1', '1','1', '1', '1', '2022-01-01', '5000', 'Confirmed'), ('2', '2', '2', '2', '2', '2022-02-01', '4000', 'Confirmed'), ('3', '3', '3', '3','3', '2022-03-01', '6000', 'Confirmed'); --==============================================================================-- --VIEWING-- select * from Customer select * from Hotel select * from Tour_Booking select * from Tour_Package select * from Tourism_Place select * from Transport