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Loan Management system using C++

Tech Doubility
Loan Management system using C++

  1. /* This file contains the main code */
  3. #include<iostream.h>
  4. #include<fstream.h>
  5. #include<stdio.h>
  6. #include<iomanip.h>
  7. #include<stdlib.h>
  8. #include<conio.h>
  9. #include<string.h>
  10. #include<dir.h>
  11. #include<dos.h>
  12. #include<bios.h>
  13. #include<graphics.h>
  15. void screen();
  16. void drawdoublelinebox(int,int,int,int);
  17. void drawsinglelinebox(int,int,int,int);
  18. void normal();
  21. #define datafile "E.txt"
  22. #define recsize 78
  23. #define max 59
  24. #define bucketsize 3
  25. int hash(char a[]);
  26. fstream file;
  27. char buffer[100];
  29. class Loan
  30. {
  31. public:
  32. char account_no[12],bank_id[10],cust_name[12],phone[12],occupation[7],loan_type[7],branch_id[8],ROI[5];
  33. public:
  34. void initial();
  35. void read();
  36. void pack();
  37. void unpack();
  38. int retrieve(int addr,char k[],int i);
  39. void datadisp();
  40. int remove(int addr,char k[]);
  41. void modify(int addr ,char k[]);
  42. };
  44. int myatoi(char *k)
  45. {
  46. int res=0;
  47. for(int i=0;k[i]!='\0';++i)
  48. {
  49. if(k[i]==58)
  50. continue;
  51. res=res*10+k[i]-48;
  52. }
  53. //cout<<res;
  54. return res;
  55. }
  57. void opener(fstream &file,char *fn,int mode)
  58. {
  60. if(!file)
  61. {
  62. cout<<"UNABLE TO OPEN THE FILE\n"<<fn;
  63. getch();
  64. exit(1);
  65. }
  66. }
  68. void Loan::initial()
  69. {
  70. int i,j;
  72. if(!file)
  73. {
  75. if(!file)
  76. {
  77. cout<<"UNABLE TO OPEN THE FILE\n";
  78. getch();
  79. exit(1);
  80. }
  81. for(i=0;i<max;i++)
  82. {
  83. file.seekp(i*recsize*3,ios::beg);
  84. for(j=0;j<(recsize*3)-2;j++)
  85. file<<"#";
  86. file<<endl;
  87. }
  88. cout<<"EMPTY FILE CREATED\n";
  89. }
  90. file.close();
  91. return;
  92. }
  93. void Loan::read()
  94. {
  95. int addr,len,len1,len2,len3,len4,len5;
  96. char acc_no[12],dbank_id[10],dbranch_id[8];
  98. LABEL:
  99. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER THE ACCOUNT NUMBER: ";
  100. gets(acc_no);
  101. len=strlen(acc_no);
  102. addr=hash(acc_no);
  103. if(len!=8)
  104. {
  106. goto LABEL;
  107. }
  109. if(retrieve(addr,acc_no,0)>0)
  110. {
  112. goto LABEL;
  113. }
  114. file.close();
  115. strcpy(account_no,acc_no);
  117. DESC:
  118. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER BANK ID: ";
  119. gets(dbank_id);
  120. len1=strlen(dbank_id);
  121. if(len1!=8||dbank_id[0]>63||dbank_id[1]<63||dbank_id[2]<63||dbank_id[3]<63 ||dbank_id[4]<63 ||dbank_id[5]<63||dbank_id[6]<63||dbank_id[7]<63||dbank_id[8]>63)
  122. {
  123. cout<<"\n\t ENTER THE VALID BANK ID(8 CHARACTERS): ";
  124. goto DESC;
  125. }
  126. file.close();
  127. strcpy(bank_id,dbank_id);
  129. NAME:
  130. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER THE CUSTOMER NAME: ";
  131. gets(cust_name);
  132. int i=0;
  133. while(cust_name[i]!='\0')
  134. {
  135. if(cust_name[i]<63||i>9)
  136. {
  138. goto NAME;
  139. }
  140. i++;
  141. }
  143. PH:
  144. i=0;
  145. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER THE PHONE: ";
  146. gets(phone);
  147. len3=strlen(phone);
  148. while(phone[i]!='\0')
  149. {
  150. if(phone[i]>63 ||i>9 ||len3!=10)
  151. {
  152. cout<<"\n\t ENTER VALID PHONE NUMBER: ";
  153. goto PH;
  154. }
  155. i++;
  156. }
  157. /* if(i!=11)
  158. {
  159.   cout<<"\n\t ENTER VALID PHONE NUMBER: ";
  160. goto PH;
  162. }*/
  163. OCC:
  164. int ch;
  165. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER THE OCCUPATION: \n\t\t\t1.Government\n\t\t\t2.Private\n\t\t\t3.Others\n\t\t\t ";
  166. cin>>ch;
  167. switch(ch){
  168. case 1: strcpy(occupation,"Govt");
  169. break;
  170. case 2: strcpy(occupation,"prvt");
  171. break;
  172. case 3: strcpy(occupation,"others");
  173. break;
  174. default: goto OCC;
  175. }
  177. LOAN:
  178. cout<<"\n\t The loan types are:\n ";
  179. cout<<"\n\t\t\t 1.Education loan";
  180. cout<<"\n\t\t\t 2.Home loan";
  181. cout<<"\n\t\t\t 3.Car loan\n";
  182. int chi;
  183. cout<<"\n\t\t\t Enter choice:\t ";
  184. cin>>chi;
  185. if(chi==1)
  186. {
  187. strcpy(loan_type,"Edu");
  188. strcpy(ROI,"10");
  189. }
  190. else if(chi==2)
  191. {
  192. strcpy(loan_type,"Home");
  193. strcpy(ROI,"12");
  194. }
  195. else
  196. {
  197. strcpy(loan_type,"Car");
  198. strcpy(ROI,"18");
  199. }
  202. BRANCH:
  203. cout<<"\n\t\t\tENTER THE BRANCH ID: ";
  204. gets(dbranch_id);
  205. len2=strlen(dbranch_id);
  206. if(len2!=5)
  207. {
  208. cout<<"\n\t ENTER THE VALID BRANCH ID(5 CHARACTERS): \n";
  209. goto BRANCH;
  210. }
  211. file.close();
  212. strcpy(branch_id,dbranch_id);
  214. pack();
  215. return;
  216. }
  217. void Loan::pack()
  218. {
  219. strcpy(buffer,account_no); strcat(buffer,"|");
  220. strcat(buffer,bank_id); strcat(buffer,"|");
  221. strcat(buffer,cust_name); strcat(buffer,"|");
  222. strcat(buffer,phone); strcat(buffer,"|");
  223. strcat(buffer,occupation); strcat(buffer,"|");
  224. strcat(buffer,loan_type); strcat(buffer,"|");
  225. strcat(buffer,branch_id); strcat(buffer,"|");
  226. strcat(buffer,ROI); strcat(buffer,"|");
  227. }
  229. int hash(char account_no[])
  230. {
  231. int i=0,sum=0,c,len;
  232. len=strlen(account_no);
  233. if(len%2==1)
  234. len++;
  235. for(i=0;i<len;i++)
  236. sum=(sum+((account_no[i]-48)));
  237. c=sum%max;
  238. cout<<"\n\t\t HASH KEY GENERATED IS: "<<c<<endl;
  239. return c;
  240. }
  242. void store(int addr)
  243. {
  244. char dummy[10];
  245. int flag=0,i;
  247. file.seekg(addr*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  248. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  249. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0 ||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0)
  250. {
  251. file.seekp(addr*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  252. file<<buffer;
  253. clrscr();
  254. textcolor(YELLOW);
  255. textbackground(BLACK);
  256. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  257. for(int q=0;q<80;q++) cout<<'~';
  258. for(int w=0;w<80;w++) cout<<'*';
  259. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  260. for(int e=0;e<80;e++) cout<<'*';
  261. cout<<"\n";
  262. for(int r=0;r<80;r++) cout<<'~';
  263. getch();
  264. flag=1;
  265. }
  266. file.seekg(addr*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  267. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  268. if((strcmp(dummy,"####")==0||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0) && flag!=1)
  269. {
  270. file.seekp(addr*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  271. file<<buffer;clrscr();
  272. textcolor(YELLOW);
  273. textbackground(BLACK);
  274. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  275. for(int q=0;q<80;q++) cout<<'~';
  276. for(int w=0;w<80;w++) cout<<'*';
  277. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  278. for(int e=0;e<80;e++) cout<<'*';
  279. cout<<"\n";
  280. for(int r=0;r<80;r++) cout<<'~';
  281. getch();
  282. flag=1;
  283. }
  284. file.seekg(addr*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  285. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  286. if((strcmp(dummy,"####")==0||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0)&&flag!=1)
  287. {
  288. file.seekp(addr*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  289. file<<buffer;
  290. clrscr();
  291. textcolor(YELLOW);
  292. textbackground(BLACK);
  293. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  294. for(int q=0;q<80;q++) cout<<'~';
  295. for(int w=0;w<80;w++) cout<<'*';
  296. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  297. for(int e=0;e<80;e++) cout<<'*';
  298. cout<<"\n";
  299. for(int r=0;r<80;r++) cout<<'~';
  300. getch();
  301. flag=1;
  302. }
  303. if(flag!=1)
  304. {
  305. for(i=addr+1;i!=addr;i++)
  306. {
  307. if(i%max==0)
  308. i=0;
  309. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  310. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  311. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0)
  312. {
  313. clrscr();
  314. textcolor(YELLOW);
  315. textbackground(BLACK);
  316. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  317. for(int t=0;t<80;t++) cout<<'~';
  318. for(int y=0;y<80;y++) cout<<'*';
  319. cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tCOLLISION HAS OCCURED....!!\n\n";
  320. cout<<"\t HOME ADDRESS IS: "<<addr<<" & ACTUAL ADDRESS IS: "<<i<<"\n";
  321. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  322. file<<buffer;
  323. textcolor(YELLOW);
  324. textbackground(BLACK);
  325. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  326. for(int u=0;u<80;u++) cout<<'*';
  327. cout<<"\n";
  328. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'~';
  329. getch();
  330. flag=1;
  331. break;
  332. }
  333. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  334. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  335. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0)
  336. {
  337. clrscr();
  338. textcolor(YELLOW);
  339. textbackground(BLACK);
  340. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  341. for(int t=0;t<80;t++) cout<<'~';
  342. for(int y=0;y<80;y++) cout<<'*';
  343. cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tCOLLISION HAS OCCURED....!!\n\n";
  344. cout<<"\t HOME ADDRESS IS: "<<addr<<" & ACTUAL ADDRESS IS: "<<i<<"\n";
  345. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  346. file<<buffer;
  347. textcolor(YELLOW);
  348. textbackground(BLACK);
  349. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  350. for(int u=0;u<80;u++) cout<<'*';
  351. cout<<"\n";
  352. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'~';
  353. getch();
  354. flag=1;
  355. break;
  356. }
  357. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  358. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  359. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0||strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")==0)
  360. {
  361. clrscr();
  362. textcolor(YELLOW);
  363. textbackground(BLACK);
  364. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  365. for(int t=0;t<80;t++) cout<<'~';
  366. for(int y=0;y<80;y++) cout<<'*';
  367. cout<<"\n\n\t\t\tCOLLISION HAS OCCURED....!!\n\n";
  368. cout<<"\t HOME ADDRESS IS: "<<addr<<" & ACTUAL ADDRESS IS: "<<i<<"\n";
  369. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  370. file<<buffer;
  371. textcolor(YELLOW);
  372. textbackground(BLACK);
  373. cout<<"\n\n\t\t LOAN RECORD INSERTED SUCCESSFULLY....!!\n\n";
  374. for(int u=0;u<80;u++) cout<<'*';
  375. cout<<"\n";
  376. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'~';
  377. getch();
  378. flag=1;
  379. break;
  380. }
  381. }
  382. }
  383. if(i==addr && (flag!=1))
  384. {
  385. clrscr();
  386. textcolor(YELLOW);
  387. textbackground(BLACK);
  388. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  389. for(int o=0;o<80;o++) cout<<'~';
  390. for(int a=0;a<80;a++) cout<<'*';
  391. cout<<setw(23)<<" "<<"\n\n\t*** HASH FILE IS FULL, LOAN RECORD CANT BE INSERTED ***\n\n";
  392. for(int s=0;s<80;s++) cout<<'*';
  393. for(int d=0;d<80;d++) cout<<'~';
  394. getch();
  395. }
  396. getch();
  397. file.close();
  398. return;
  399. }
  401. void Loan::unpack()
  402. {
  403. char dummy[100];
  404. file.getline(bank_id,10,'|');
  405. file.getline(cust_name,12,'|');
  406. file.getline(phone,12,'|');
  407. file.getline(occupation,7,'|');
  408. file.getline(loan_type,7,'|');
  409. file.getline(branch_id,8,'|');
  410. file.getline(ROI,5,'|');
  411. file.getline(dummy,100,'#');
  412. }
  414. int Loan::retrieve(int addr,char k[],int l) //search
  415. {
  416. int found=0,i;
  417. char dummy[10];
  418. i=addr;
  420. cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
  421. //if(l==1)
  422. do
  423. {
  424. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  425. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  426. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0)
  427. break;
  428. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  429. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  430. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  431. {
  432. found=1;
  433. if(l==1)
  434. {
  435. unpack();
  436. clrscr();
  437. textcolor(15);
  438. textbackground(YELLOW);
  439. cout<<endl;
  440. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"THE SEARCHED LOAN RECORD IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  441. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  442. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  443. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  444. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  445. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  446. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  447. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  448. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  449. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  450. for(int g=0;g<80;g++) cout<<'*';
  451. cout<<endl<<setw(25)<<" ";
  453. cout<<"LOAN RECORD FOUND...!!"<<endl;
  454. }
  455. break;
  456. }
  457. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  458. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  459. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  460. break;
  461. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  462. {
  463. found=1;
  464. if(l==1)
  465. {
  466. unpack();
  467. clrscr();
  468. textcolor(15);
  469. textbackground(YELLOW);
  470. cout<<endl;
  471. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"THE SEARCHED LOAN RECORD IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  472. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  473. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  474. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  475. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  476. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  477. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  478. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  479. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  480. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  481. for(int g=0;g<80;g++) cout<<'*';
  482. cout<<endl<<setw(25)<<" ";
  484. cout<<"LOAN RECORD FOUND...!!"<<endl;
  485. }
  486. break;
  487. }
  489. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  490. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  491. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  492. break;
  493. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  494. {
  495. found=1;
  496. if(l==1)
  497. {
  498. unpack();
  499. clrscr();
  500. textcolor(15);
  501. textbackground(YELLOW);
  502. cout<<endl;
  503. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"THE SEARCHED LOAN RECORD IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  504. for(int f=0;f<80;f++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  505. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  506. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  507. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  508. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  509. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  510. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  511. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  512. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  513. for(int g=0;g<80;g++) cout<<'*';
  514. cout<<endl<<setw(25)<<" ";
  516. cout<<"LOAN RECORD FOUND...!!"<<endl;
  517. }
  518. break;
  519. }
  520. else
  521. {
  522. i++;
  523. if(i%max==0)
  524. i=0;
  525. }
  526. }while(i!=addr);
  527. if(found==0 && l==1)
  528. {
  529. textcolor(15);
  530. textbackground(YELLOW);
  531. cout<<setw(23)<<" "<<"\n\n\t!!*** GIVEN LOAN RECORD DOESNOT EXISTS IN HASH FILE ***!!\n\n";
  532. for(int h=0;h<80;h++) cout<<'~';
  533. for(int j=0;j<80;j++) cout<<'~';
  534. getch();
  535. }
  536. /*if(l==0)
  537. cout<<found<<endl;*/
  539. return found ;
  540. }
  542. void Loan::datadisp()
  543. {
  545. int i=0;
  546. char dummy[10];
  547. cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
  548. while(i<max)
  549. {
  550. if(file.eof())
  551. break;
  552. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  553. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  554. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")!=0 && strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")!=0)
  555. {
  556. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  557. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  558. unpack();
  559. clrscr();
  560. //drawdoublelinebox(17,7,60,30);
  561. textcolor(15);
  562. textbackground(RED);
  563. cout<<endl<<endl<<endl;
  564. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<"DISPLAYING LOAN RECORDS"<<endl<<endl;
  565. for(int i=0;i<80;i++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  566. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  567. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  568. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  569. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  570. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  571. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  572. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  573. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  574. for(int k=0;k<80;k++) cout<<'*';
  575. cout<<endl<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  576. getch();
  578. }
  579. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  580. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  581. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")!=0 && strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")!=0)
  582. {
  583. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  584. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  585. unpack();
  586. clrscr();
  587. textcolor(15);
  588. textbackground(RED);
  589. cout<<endl<<endl<<endl;
  590. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<"DISPLAYING LOAN RECORDS"<<endl<<endl;
  591. for(int i=0;i<80;i++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  592. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  593. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  594. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  595. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  596. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  597. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  598. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  599. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  600. for(int k=0;k<80;k++) cout<<'*';
  601. cout<<endl<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  602. getch();
  605. }
  606. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  607. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  608. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")!=0 && strcmp(dummy,"$$$$")!=0)
  609. {
  610. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  611. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  612. unpack();
  613. clrscr();
  614. textcolor(15);
  615. textbackground(RED);
  616. cout<<endl<<endl<<endl;
  617. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<"DISPLAYING LOAN RECORDS"<<endl<<endl;
  618. for(int i=0;i<80;i++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  619. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  620. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  621. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  622. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  623. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  624. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  625. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  626. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  627. for(int k=0;k<80;k++) cout<<'*';
  628. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  629. getch();
  630. }
  631. i++;
  632. }
  633. clrscr();
  634. textcolor(15);
  635. textbackground(RED);
  636. cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t\t=============================================\n"<<endl;
  637. cout<<"\t\t !!*** NO RECORDS TO DISPLAY ***!!"<<endl;
  638. cout<<"\n\t\t=============================================\n"<<endl;
  639. getch();
  640. file.close();
  641. }
  645. int Loan::remove(int addr,char k[])
  646. {
  647. int found=0,i;
  648. char dummy[10];
  649. i=addr;
  650. int s;
  653. cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
  654. do
  655. {
  656. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  657. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  658. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0)
  659. break;
  660. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  661. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  662. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  663. break;
  664. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  665. {
  666. found=1;
  667. unpack();
  668. clrscr();
  669. textcolor(15);
  670. textbackground(1);
  671. cout<<endl<<endl;
  672. cout<<setw(26)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD DISPLAYED"<<endl;
  673. for(int l=0;l<80;l++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  674. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  675. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  676. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  677. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  678. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  679. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  680. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  681. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  682. for(int z=0;z<80;z++) cout<<'*';
  683. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  685. textcolor(15);
  686. textbackground(1);
  687. cout<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE DELETED IS FOUND"<<endl;
  688. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  689. for(s=0;s<recsize;s++)
  690. file.put('$');
  691. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<" RECORD IS DELETED... !!"<<endl;
  692. getch();
  693. file.close();
  694. break;
  695. }
  696. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  697. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  698. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  699. break;
  700. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  701. {
  702. found=1;
  703. unpack();
  704. clrscr();
  705. textcolor(15);
  706. textbackground(1);
  707. cout<<endl<<endl;
  708. cout<<setw(26)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD DISPLAYED"<<endl;
  709. for(int l=0;l<80;l++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  710. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  711. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  712. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  713. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  714. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  715. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  716. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  717. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  718. for(int z=0;z<80;z++) cout<<'*';
  719. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  721. textcolor(15);
  722. textbackground(1);
  723. cout<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE DELETED IS FOUND"<<endl;
  724. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  725. for(s=0;s<recsize;s++)
  726. file.put('$');
  727. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<" RECORD IS DELETED... !!"<<endl;
  728. getch();
  729. break;
  730. }
  732. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  733. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  734. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  735. {
  736. found=1;
  737. unpack();
  738. clrscr();
  739. textcolor(15);
  740. textbackground(1);
  741. cout<<endl<<endl;
  742. cout<<setw(26)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD DISPLAYED"<<endl;
  743. for(int l=0;l<80;l++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  744. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  745. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  746. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  747. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  748. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  749. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  750. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  751. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  752. for(int z=0;z<80;z++) cout<<'*';
  753. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  755. textcolor(15);
  756. textbackground(1);
  757. cout<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE DELETED IS FOUND"<<endl;
  758. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  759. for(s=0;s<recsize-2;s++)
  760. file.put('$');
  761. file.put('\n');
  762. cout<<setw(25)<<" "<<" RECORD IS DELETED... !!"<<endl;
  763. getch();
  764. break;
  765. }
  766. else
  767. {
  768. i++;
  769. if(i%max==0)
  770. i=0;
  771. }
  772. }while(i!=addr);
  773. if(found==0)
  774. {
  775. textcolor(15);
  776. textbackground(1);
  777. cout<<setw(23)<<" "<<"\n\n\t!!*** GIVEN LOAN RECORD DOESNOT EXISTS IN HASH FILE ***!!\n\n";
  778. for(int k=0;k<80;k++) cout<<'^';
  779. for(int j=0;j<80;j++) cout<<'^';
  780. getch();
  781. }
  782. return found;
  783. }
  785. void Loan::modify(int addr, char k[])
  786. {
  787. int found=0,i;
  788. char dummy[10];
  789. i=addr;
  790. int s;
  791. int x;
  794. cout<<setiosflags(ios::left);
  795. do
  796. {
  797. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  798. file.getline(dummy,5,'\n');
  799. if(strcmp(dummy,"####")==0)
  800. break;
  801. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  802. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  803. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  804. {
  805. found=1;
  806. unpack();
  807. clrscr();
  808. textcolor(YELLOW);
  809. textbackground(0);
  810. cout<<endl;
  811. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE MODIFIED IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  812. for(int c=0;c<80;c++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  813. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  814. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  815. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  816. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  817. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  818. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  819. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  820. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  821. for(int v=0;v<80;v++) cout<<'*';
  822. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  824. textcolor(YELLOW);
  825. textbackground(0);
  827. getch();
  828. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize,ios::beg);
  829. for(s=0;s<recsize;s++)
  830. file.put('$');
  831. cout<<"\t\t\tRECORD DELETED...!!"<<endl;
  832. getch();
  833. file.close();
  834. clrscr();
  835. textcolor(15);
  836. textbackground(1);
  837. cout<<"\n";
  838. for(int b=0;b<80;b++) cout<<'~';
  839. for(int n=0;n<80;n++) cout<<'*';
  840. cout<<"\t\t\tENTER THE NEW(MODIFIED) LOAN RECORD: \n";
  841. getch();
  842. read();
  843. x=hash(account_no);
  844. store(x);
  846. cout<<"\t\t RECORD IS MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY...!!\n";
  847. getch();
  848. break;
  849. }
  850. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  851. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  852. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  853. break;
  855. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  856. {
  857. found=1;
  858. unpack();
  859. clrscr();
  860. textcolor(YELLOW);
  861. textbackground(0);
  862. cout<<endl;
  863. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE MODIFIED IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  864. for(int c=0;c<80;c++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  865. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  866. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  867. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  868. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  869. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  870. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  871. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  872. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  873. for(int v=0;v<80;v++) cout<<'*';
  874. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  876. textcolor(YELLOW);
  877. textbackground(0);
  879. getch();
  880. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+recsize,ios::beg);
  881. for(s=0;s<recsize;s++)
  882. file.put('$');
  883. cout<<"\t\t\tRECORD DELETED...!!"<<endl;
  884. getch();
  885. file.close();
  886. clrscr();
  887. textcolor(15);
  888. textbackground(1);
  889. cout<<"\n";
  890. for(int b=0;b<80;b++) cout<<'~';
  891. for(int n=0;n<80;n++) cout<<'*';
  892. cout<<"\t\t\tENTER THE NEW(MODIFIED) LOAN RECORD: \n";
  893. getch();
  894. read();
  895. x=hash(account_no);
  896. store(x);
  898. cout<<"\t\t RECORD IS MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY...!!\n";
  899. getch();
  900. break;
  901. }
  903. file.seekg(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  904. file.getline(account_no,10,'|');
  905. if(strcmp(account_no,"#########")==0)
  906. break;
  908. if(strcmp(account_no,k)==0)
  909. {
  910. found=1;
  911. unpack();
  912. clrscr();
  913. textcolor(YELLOW);
  914. textbackground(0);
  915. cout<<endl;
  916. cout<<setw(18)<<" "<<"LOAN RECORD TO BE MODIFIED IS DISPLAYED"<<endl<<endl;
  917. for(int c=0;c<80;c++) cout<<'*'; cout<<endl;
  918. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" ACCOUNT NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<account_no<<endl<<endl;
  919. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BANCK ID : "<<setw(9)<<bank_id<<endl<<endl;
  920. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" CUSTOMER NAME : "<<setw(10)<<cust_name<<endl<<endl;
  921. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" PHONE NUMBER : "<<setw(10)<<phone<<endl<<endl;
  922. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" OCCUPATION : "<<setw(5)<<occupation<<endl<<endl;
  923. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" LOAN TYPE : "<<setw(5)<<loan_type<<endl<<endl;
  924. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" BRANCH ID I : "<<setw(6)<<branch_id<<endl<<endl;
  925. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<" RATE OF INTEREST : "<<setw(5)<<ROI<<endl<<endl;
  926. for(int v=0;v<80;v++) cout<<'*';
  927. cout<<endl<<setw(20)<<" ";
  929. textcolor(YELLOW);
  930. textbackground(0);
  932. getch();
  933. file.seekp(i*recsize*bucketsize+(2*recsize),ios::beg);
  934. for(s=0;s<recsize-2;s++)
  935. file.put('$');
  936. file.put('\n');
  937. cout<<"\t\t\tRECORD DELETED...!!"<<endl;
  938. getch();
  939. file.close();
  940. clrscr();
  941. textcolor(15);
  942. textbackground(1);
  943. cout<<"\n";
  944. for(int b=0;b<80;b++) cout<<'~';
  945. for(int n=0;n<80;n++) cout<<'*';
  946. cout<<"\t\t\tENTER THE NEW(MODIFIED) LOAN RECORD: \n";
  947. getch();
  948. read();
  949. x=hash(account_no);
  950. store(x);
  952. cout<<"\t\t RECORD IS MODIFIED SUCCESSFULLY...!!\n";
  953. getch();
  954. break;
  955. }
  956. else
  957. {
  958. i++;
  959. if(i%max==0)
  960. i=0;
  961. }
  962. }while(i!=addr);
  963. if(found==0)
  964. {
  965. textcolor(15);
  966. textbackground(1);
  967. cout<<setw(23)<<" "<<"\n\n\t!!*** GIVEN LOAN RECORD DOESNOT EXISTS IN HASH FILE ***!!\n\n";
  968. for(int k=0;k<80;k++) cout<<'=';
  969. for(int j=0;j<80;j++) cout<<'^';
  970. getch();
  971. }
  972. }
  976. /*Douoblebox design*/
  978. void drawdoublelinebox(int x,int y,int len,int bdt)
  979. {
  980. gotoxy(x,y);
  981. cprintf("É");
  982. gotoxy(x,y+bdt);
  983. cprintf("È");
  984. gotoxy(x+len,y);
  985. cprintf("»");
  986. gotoxy(x+len,y+bdt);
  987. cprintf("¼");
  988. for(int i=x+1;i<x+len;i++)
  989. {
  990. gotoxy(i,y);
  991. cprintf("Í");
  992. gotoxy(i,y+bdt);
  993. cprintf("Í");
  994. }
  995. for(int j=y+1;j<y+bdt;j++)
  996. {
  997. gotoxy(x,j);
  998. cprintf("º");
  999. gotoxy(x+len,j);
  1000. cprintf("º");
  1001. }
  1002. }
  1004. /*Double box design*/
  1006. void drawsinglelinebox(int x,int y,int len,int bdt)
  1007. { // (x,y) : co.ord. of 1st tip
  1008. gotoxy(x,y); // len : length of box
  1009. cprintf("Ú"); // bdt : breadth of box
  1010. gotoxy(x,y+bdt);
  1011. cprintf("À");
  1012. gotoxy(x+len,y);
  1013. cprintf("¿");
  1014. gotoxy(x+len,y+bdt);
  1015. cprintf("Ù");
  1017. for(int i=x+1;i<x+len;i++)
  1018. {
  1019. gotoxy(i,y);
  1020. cprintf("Ä");
  1021. gotoxy(i,y+bdt);
  1022. cprintf("Ä");
  1023. }
  1024. for(int j=y+1;j<y+bdt;j++)
  1025. {
  1026. gotoxy(x,j);
  1027. cprintf("³");
  1028. gotoxy(x+len,j);
  1029. cprintf("³");
  1030. }
  1031. }
  1032. void normal() // to obtain normal background
  1033. {
  1034. textattr(WHITE); // textattr sets text attributes for text-window functions
  1035. textcolor(WHITE);// textcolor selects a new character color in text mode
  1036. textbackground(BLACK);//textbackground selects a new text background color
  1037. _setcursortype(_NORMALCURSOR); /* sets cursor type to normal underscore type cursor */
  1038. //return;
  1039. }
  1041. void screen()
  1042. {
  1043. int g=19,h=10;
  1045. textbackground(GREEN);
  1046. gotoxy(24,3);
  1047. textcolor(YELLOW);
  1048. cprintf(" LOAN MANAGEMENT ");
  1049. gotoxy(24,4);
  1050. textcolor(15);
  1052. drawdoublelinebox(17,7,44,14);
  1053. gotoxy(28,7);
  1054. textbackground(RED);
  1055. textcolor(YELLOW);
  1056. cprintf("Û M A I N M E N U Û" );
  1057. normal();
  1058. textcolor(15);
  1059. gotoxy(g,h++);
  1060. cout<<" þ LOAN RECORD";
  1061. gotoxy(g,h++);
  1062. cout<<" þ QUIT";
  1063. gotoxy(g,h++);
  1064. gotoxy(g,h++);
  1065. gotoxy(g,h++);
  1066. normal();
  1067. }
  1070. void main()
  1071. {
  1072. int ch,addr,l,choice, found=0;
  1073. char sacc_no[10];
  1074. Loan p;
  1075. p.initial();
  1076. clrscr();
  1077. do
  1078. {
  1079. screen();
  1080. //cout<<"\n============================"<<endl;
  1081. //cout<<" loan details\ loan record\n3.display loan record\n4.delete loan record\n5.modify record\n6.exit\n";
  1082. // cout<<"============================"<<endl;
  1083. cout<<"PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE [1-2] : ";
  1084. cin>>ch;
  1085. switch(ch)
  1086. {
  1087. case 1:do
  1088. {
  1089. clrscr();
  1090. drawdoublelinebox(17,7,44,14);
  1091. textcolor(0);
  1092. textbackground(15);
  1093. clrscr();
  1094. textbackground(BLACK);
  1095. gotoxy(25,3);
  1096. textcolor(YELLOW);
  1097. cprintf(" LOAN RECORDS ");
  1098. gotoxy(25,4);
  1100. int z=19,q=10;
  1101. textcolor(YELLOW);
  1102. drawdoublelinebox(17,7,44,14);
  1103. gotoxy(28,7);
  1104. textbackground(RED);
  1105. textcolor(YELLOW);
  1106. cprintf("Û M A I N M E N U Û" );
  1107. normal();
  1108. textcolor(WHITE);
  1109. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1110. cout<<" 1.> READ LOAN DETAILS";
  1111. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1112. cout<<" 2.> SEARCH LOAN RECORD";
  1113. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1114. cout<<" 3.> DISPLAY LOAN DETAILS";
  1115. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1116. cout<<" 4.> DELETE LOAN RECORD";
  1117. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1118. cout<<" 5.> MODIFY LOAN RECORD";
  1119. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1120. cout<<" 6.> QUIT";
  1121. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1122. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1123. gotoxy(z,q++);
  1124. cout<<" PLEASE ENTER YOUR CHOICE [1-6] : ";
  1125. cin>>choice;
  1126. switch(choice)
  1127. {
  1128. case 1:clrscr();
  1129. cout<<"\n";
  1130. for(int b=0;b<80;b++) cout<<'~';
  1131. cout<<setw(24)<<" "<<"ENTER THE LOAN RECORD DETAILS \n";
  1132. for(int h=0;h<80;h++) cout<<'~';
  1133. cout<<"\n";
  1134. getch();
  1135. LABEL:;
  1136. addr=hash(p.account_no);
  1137. store(addr);
  1138. getch();
  1139. file.close();
  1140. break;
  1141. case 2:clrscr();
  1142. textcolor(15);
  1143. textbackground(YELLOW);
  1144. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  1145. cout<<"\t\t\t SEARCHING LOAN RECORD\n\n";
  1146. for(int e=0;e<80;e++) cout<<'~';
  1147. //cout<<"\n";
  1148. for(int w=0;w<80;w++) cout<<'~';
  1149. cout<<"\n";
  1150. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<"ENTER THE ACCOUNT NUMBER TO BE SEARCHED: "<<endl;
  1151. cout<<setw(36)<<" ";
  1152. cin>>sacc_no;
  1153. cout<<"\n";
  1154. addr=hash(sacc_no);
  1155. p.retrieve(addr,sacc_no,1);
  1156. getch();
  1157. file.close();
  1158. break;
  1159. case 3://cout<<"vehicle details:"<<endl;
  1160. textcolor(15);
  1161. textbackground(RED);
  1162. p.datadisp();
  1163. file.close();
  1164. break;
  1165. case 4://p.del();
  1166. clrscr();
  1167. textcolor(15);
  1168. textbackground(1);
  1169. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  1170. cout<<"\t\t\t DELETING LOAN RECORD\n\n";
  1171. for(int x=0;x<80;x++) cout<<'^';
  1172. //cout<<"\n";
  1173. for(int y=0;y<80;y++) cout<<'^';
  1174. cout<<"\n";
  1175. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<"ENTER THE ACCOUNT NUMBER TO BE DELETED: "<<endl;
  1176. cout<<setw(36)<<" ";
  1177. cin>>sacc_no;
  1178. cout<<"\n";
  1179. addr=hash(sacc_no);
  1180. p.remove(addr,sacc_no);
  1181. getch();
  1182. file.close();
  1183. break;
  1184. case 5:clrscr();
  1185. textcolor(15);
  1186. textbackground(1);
  1187. cout<<"\n\n\n\n";
  1188. cout<<"\t\t\t MODIFYING LOAN RECORD\n\n";
  1189. for(int u=0;u<80;u++) cout<<'=';
  1190. //cout<<"\n";
  1191. for(int r=0;r<80;r++) cout<<'^';
  1192. cout<<"\n";
  1193. cout<<setw(20)<<" "<<"ENTER THE LOAN RECORD TO MODIFY: \n";
  1194. cout<<setw(36)<<" ";
  1195. cin>>sacc_no;
  1196. addr=hash(sacc_no);
  1197. cout<<"\n";
  1198. p.modify(addr,sacc_no);
  1199. getch();
  1200. file.close();
  1201. break;
  1202. case 6:clrscr();
  1203. screen();
  1204. break;
  1205. default:sound(600);delay(500);nosound();
  1206. break;
  1207. }
  1208. }while(choice!=6); break;
  1210. case 2:exit(0);
  1212. default: sound(100);delay(500);nosound(); break;
  1213. }
  1214. }while(ch!=2);
  1216. file.close();
  1217. }

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