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Invoice Management System using Python

Tech Doubility
nvoice Management System using Python

  1. from functions import master
  2. ob1 = master()
  3. print("*** INVOICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ***")
  4. print("*** Master press(1)||Invoice press(2)||View press(3) ***")
  5. ch = input("Enter choice : ")
  6. #__MASTER__
  7. if ch == "1":
  8. print("*** MASTER PAGE ***")
  9. print("category press(1)||brand press(2)||client press(3)")
  10. ch1 = input("Enter choice : ")
  11. # category (1)
  12. if ch1 == "1":
  13. print("*** Category Management System ***")
  14. print("ADD category(1)|| DELETE category(2)")
  15. catch = input("Enter Choice : ")
  17. if catch == "1":
  18. # Adding category
  19. ob1.cat_Add()
  20. if catch=="2":
  21. # Deleting category
  22. ob1.cat_display()
  23. delcat = int(input("enter category ID : "))
  24. sure = input("Are you Sure you want to Delete, press ? y/n : ")
  25. if sure=="y":
  26. ob1.cat_Del(delcat)
  27. else:
  28. print("Aborted!!!")
  29. # brand(2)
  30. elif ch1=="2":
  31. print("*** Brand Management System ***")
  32. print("ADD brand(1)|| DELETE brand(2)")
  33. brandch = input("Enter Choice : ")
  34. #brand_add
  35. if brandch=="1":
  36. print("{All Brands}")
  37. ob1.brand_display()
  38. print()
  39. print("--> enter UPPERCASE letters only <--")
  40. ob1.brand_Add()
  41. #brand_delete
  42. if brandch=="2":
  43. print("{All Brands}")
  44. ob1.brand_display()
  45. print()
  46. ob1.brand_Del()
  47. #Client(3)
  48. elif ch1 == "3":
  49. print("*** Customer Management ***")
  50. print("ADD customer(1)|| DELETE customer(2)")
  51. clientch = input("Enter Choice : ")
  52. if clientch== "1":
  53. ob1.cust_Add()
  55. # elif clientch == "2":

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